Sunday, March 22, 2020

Finding Joy in Quarantine

A month ago, I had no idea what my life would be like today.

I am trying to think about how much I even knew about Coronavirus a month ago. I stay fairly up-to-date on world affairs, so I knew it existed, but I don't think I had any appreciation for the way that it could or would impact my day-to-day life. I had no idea that it would blast through years of economic growth. I had no idea it would devastate the toilet paper supply chain.

Now I know that for a lot of people this virus has a much more personal impact (and it probably will for me sooner than later). Friends or loved ones may be falling ill. You may have someone close to you who falls into the at-risk category, so your fear is not necessarily getting the virus but inevitably spreading it. That's a big one for me.

Last night, I was cleaning my room and listening to a podcast called Measuring Success Right. I highly recommend it, but I will talk about that some other time. Jeff Mask, CEO of Mask Principles Elite Executive Coaching, was being interviewed. He talked about how certain traumatic events in his life (like almost losing his wife and son or later almost dying himself) forced him to really focus on what matters most in life.

He called these experiences gifts. He talked about smiling with our problems and the growth that comes when we embrace our trials/weaknesses/insecurities. When asked for advice on helping people make this shift in their mindset, this is what he said, "We all have serious problems. We all have things that are stressing us out. Right now, think about it... what's the number one stress that you have that keeps you up at night, that you're anxious about, that you continue to mull over in your mind, and what I invite [you] to do is to think 'What is the good that I am experiencing or that I can experience from this right now?" Versus just enduring it or masking it or altogether avoiding it, instead facing it with an abundant faithful mindset to think, "What does God want me to learn?" and when we do it form a place of joy and gratitude versus frustration and ingratitude, we actually learn when we choose to see the positive side of things."

So that made me really think about all the things that coronavirus is doing. I won't ever say Coronavirus is an inherently good thing, I know that it is having a devastating impact around the world. However, I know that plants can flower and bloom in difficult soil, so I find myself wondering, what are some of the good things that have happened this week that wouldn't have happened if I the world hadn't shut everything down for Coronavirus...

1- Usually because of time changes and complicated schedules, it is really hard for me to get in contact with my family in Virginia. Now they are home all day every day, and it is making it easier for us to catch up on the little things. Today we are planning a SDGE (social distancing gathering event) which basically means that we are going to be having a massive group call with everyone because no one should have anything else going on.

2- I have been able to spend more time at home with the family I live with. I've watched and learned from my uncle's parenting examples... not to mentioned laughed as he has learned multiple tik tok dances with my cousin. I have had more time to take my cousin driving.. this week we worked on parking...

3- I have gotten to know my wonderful neighbors better. One of my neighbors is a p.e. teacher and is passionate about fitness. She has been a lifesaver since the gym closed. I work out with her every day (maintaining social distancing of course). Another neighbor mentioned that none of the stores she went to had canned peaches, her son's favorite breakfast. When I went to the store later that day, they had restocked and I was able to grab some for them.

4- I have come to value little things, like sunshine. The weather has thankfully been decent. Sometimes a little chilly, but virtually anytime I see that the sun has come out, I go lay outside in the grass or take a walk. I am enjoying the simplicity of those activities. Plus, my neighbors generally have the same idea, so we are able to check on each other and make sure everyone is doing okay when we pass each other on opposite sides of the street (again, social distancing).

5- We are blessed with technology that allows me to continue receiving an education even if I can't go to classes. I am able to invert some of the extra free time I've had into studying more which is allowing me to stay caught up and understanding class content, even though online learning is not my ideal format. This process is forcing all of us to be patient with one another and we are learning more than just class material in the process.

6- I have been able to cook more!

7- I have been able to set goals and really focus on them each day. I never realized how many things were pulling at my time and attention until they all stopped. Now I feel freer to live true to my priorities. I am trying to establish morning and nighttime routines that I will maintain once life gets "back to normal." I set goals for things to work on every day between school assignments. This week I've been teaching myself Portuguese. Next week, I will continue that, but I hope to add some other goals as time goes on like piano practice, watercolor painting (something I have never really done), and practicing basketball (I have to get my fix somehow with the NBA shutdown). These are all things that I can do from my house or within walking distance while maintaining social distancing guidelines.

As a final thought, I feel very blessed by this experience because it feels like my Heavenly Father was preparing me to take advantage of it before it even happened. The past few months I haven't felt like myself, it's like I was spinning off-center. I was doing a lot of important things and progressing a lot, but I still felt like I wasn't calibrated. I tried to power through it and keep working at goals I had, and then for a few weeks, I just got really thrown off due to different life circumstances. I noticed I had gained some habits that I wanted to rid myself of. So I set some "crazy goals." Basically, I was eliminating three things from my life 1) watching tv/movies by myself, 2) social media (except posting on my photography Instagram because that was a goal I set for the year) and 3) not eating sugar.

I found that when I eliminated certain distractions, I had a lot more free time. I also realized that those distractions were keeping me from dealing with different emotions and issues that were suddenly on my mind regularly. I realized that I hadn't been taking care of myself as well as I thought. Then with Coronavirus and the changes that happened, as a result, I had even more free time.  I am sure that if I hadn't already changed those habits the experiences I would have as a result of this shift would be a list of tv shows and movies that I watched to pass the time.  As a person who thrives in chaos, I am grateful for these experiences. I am learning the joy of simplicity and the discipline of progressing and achieving goals in a low-pressure environment.  This time of increased reflection, coupled with the guidance the Lord has given me about how I can progress, has truly been a blessing for me.

I don't believe that God is the author of our sorrows. Trials are both the natural by-product of living in a fallen world and a tactic of the adversary to discourage and dishearten. I believe that God is really good at giving us sugar and providing access to living water that can make lemonade out of any circumstance if we let Him. (The trick here my friends is always remembering that it is a loving Father in Heaven who gives us lemonade, not lemons).

Today, I have no idea what my life will be like a month from now, but I am going to enjoy the journey finding out.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Things that I am Passionate About:

I have wanted to write this list for some time now. I just hope that I can do it without going on any major rants. It's so funny because I imagine each of the things that I will put on this list will probably have a layered backstory although my goal is to present them in a simple list form...

(these are in no particular order!)

-Immigration Reform
-Not Building a Wall
-Benefits of Cultural Diversity and Awareness
-The Need for Improved Sexual Harassment Training
-Not All Men are Awful
-Changes in Societal Perspectives of Masculinity
-Finding Passion/Being Passionate
-Mental Health Awareness
-Healthy Sexuality/Sexual Education
-Effective Communication Practices
-Conflict Resolution
-Really Bad Calls Made by Referees (but only during that game)
-The Impact of Environment on Human Beings
-The Gospel of Jesus Christ
-Serving Others/Ministering
-Finding Life Purpose/Following the Will of God
-Overcoming Perfectionism
-Being Grateful
-Substance Abuse/Addiction
-BYU Should do More to Protect Students in Off-Campus Housing
-Family Studies/Sciences
-Marriage and Family
-^^It's Okay to Be Single
-Attachment Theory
-Picking Up Litter
-Personal Accountability
-One Day It WILL Work Out
-It's Okay to Be Human
-Power of Negative Emotions
-Wearing Comfortable Clothes
-Need for Improvement/Modification in Social Services
-Women in Landscaping
-Landscaping in General
-Company Culture
-Business Strategy
-Exploring Your Backyard
-Learning from your Experiences
-Being Stalwart AND Teachable
-Taking Care of Your Car
-Spending Money Wisely
-Helping Instead of Judging
-The Need to Protect a CHILD's rights in Family Court
-Injustice in the Criminal Justice System
-Ecological Restoration
-Puerto Rico
-Patriotism/What America Means
-Power of Fasting and Prayer
-Time Management.
-Family Relationships.
-Personal Health/Fitness Advocacy.
-Trying New Things/Getting Outside Comfort Zone
-Personal Improvement/Goalsetting.
-Everyone Should Be A Leader.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Introducing me.

My name is Alyssa Joy Brown, 
A Snapshot Version.

Isn't it interesting when someone introduces themselves and decides what you should know about them? I am not very good at doing that, but I thought I would try it out.

Background History.

What's in a name? I was born in January of '95 to two wonderful parents who had no idea what they were going to name me. Then, with some time (and because they needed to name me so that I could leave the hospital... well, I don't really know how long it took, but the bottom line is) they decided why they wanted to name me. They chose to name me after my grandmother, Alice Joy, and Alyssa Joy was born (well, I guess that I was already born, but then I was also named)

I grew up in Woodbridge, VA. That's Northern Virginia folks, in case you didn't know, that is practically a different state than Southern Virginia. I grew up in a typical middle-class family... just kidding, I have eight siblings. I am the third of nine kids, which is pretty atypical I suppose. I was raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I actively live my faith today. 

I think that my upbringing was unique, but then, so was everyone's, so I feel like maybe I will save that for another day, not on the internet.


I honestly don't have very many absolute favorites. There are a lot of things that I really love, I don't think I can say I always love them more than other things in that category.

For years I have said my favorite color is orange. At least that is what I have always said. I think that it really depends on the day... I also really love greens, yellows, and blues. Well, I guess really, my favorite color is nature.

Movies? If you forced me to answer I might tell you Undercover Blues (which is an excellent movie), but I think that is just because it has all the elements of movies that I love and a high level of nostalgia associated with it. A little bit of action, romance, and humor (with some solid laugh at loud motifs and quotable moments) and your girl is happy as can be. This is why I love Marvel Movies so much. They have it all. Although to be honest, the last time I watched Undercover Blues, I fell asleep, so... Full disclosure, I figure that I am not a very good authority on movies. I am the type of person who watches a million Hallmark Christmas movies, guesses the whole plotline in the first couple of minutes, and then enjoys the whole experiences nonetheless. Although, real talk, if it's a Christmas movie and the plot revolves around a dog, probably not going to do it for me.

I love food in general, so that is a tough one to narrow down at all. I recently really love making tuna with avocado, lime, pepper, and garlic and then eating it with celery and a fried egg. Well, I thought that was the best way to eat tuna until this week I was out of celery, so I made tuna on a romaine lettuce boat and added pickles. Oh my heck. So stinking good. The best thing about food is that the possibilities are endless, so why limit the possibilities? Also, tuna is probably not even my favorite food, but seriously, how do I start? I love limes. The problem is that I can't even choose my favorite food genre... Thai, Indian, Mexican, and sperate from Mexican, Tacos could be a stand-alone category. My gosh. We are blessed to have taste buds. I do feel confident saying that my favorite ice-cream is probably an impossible-to-decide-toss-up between coconut and peppermint. Note, that is peppermint, not mint (green and usually with gross chocolate).

I definitely cannot say that I have a favorite book, but I do love reading. Also, let's just take a moment to recognize how great Harry Potter really is. Seriously, I don't actually know how many times I have read through the series. I used to do it every summer "for a bit of light reading." Although, real talk, if how much times you spend reading a book measures its worth, the Book of Mormon would be an easy #1.

Music is just as hard. I would say that I have found music that I like in literally every genre. I think that it mostly depends on my mood. I would say that I don't like all the music in each genre... is it too ambiguous to say that I just like good music no matter what kind?

Just favorites: plants, when it feels like summer, hammocking with a light breeze, conquering fears, setting goals, hugs that squeeze you, having a good hair day, pretending that I can dance, those rare people who recognize that I am actually Latina, spending so much time in the summer that no one argues with me about whether or not I am blonde, finding secret places, making new friends, letting my sass run wild, back squats, solving math problems, tacos, watching sports with my dad or uncle, snuggling in my bed, getting a good back massage, finding solutions to problems, learning new things, being the friend someone can count on, bachata, really comfy socks and leggings, when the bass in my car makes the rear view mirror wobble, feeling the spirit, The Star Spangled Banner exhibit in the National Mall, knowing that I was in the right place at the right time, my pineapple necklace, facetiming with my sisters, surprising people, event planning, being sore from a great workout, when I understand something in class that is difficult, large glasses of ice water

Some Things That I really Dislike:

hypocrites, bad dreams, racism, junky chocolate, bad ref calls, wasting time/money, not being in control, seeing people suffer, ignorance, when my socks get holes in them, being cold, wearing skirts/dresses, arguing, having cold/wet feet, capers, people who tell me what to do when they have no idea what they are talking about


-was born without a name and left the hospital with one, so that was a good start
-was a top scorer for AR points when I was in the 3rd grade.
-beat the young men and their leaders in half court knock-out
-voted senior superlative: most likely to brighten your day
-team member of the National Collegiate Landscape Competition Team (x4)
-got to the point where my Latin American friends no longer consider me a gringa